Natural Henna Brow Color At Home From A Professional (with video)

Natural Henna Brow Color At Home, with step by step video instructions from a professional hairdresser. 

Brows Are Quietly Always The Star On Our Face - Let's Showcase Them!
Brows Are Quietly Always The Star On Our Face – Let’s Showcase Them!

Eyebrows – EYEBROWS!

They seem to change style every decade, along with shoes and lifestyle choices!

You’ll will often find an ethnic difference in thin or thick brows, and the ability to grow more or less hair on the brows.

No matter what eyebrow fashion is in style, the importance of eyebrows, from an esthetic point of view, is to draw attention to your eyes. 

Back in the 1920’s and 30’s they were thin. 

They thickened back out in the 40’s, then reverted back to thin in the late 70’s. 

What’s a girl to do, if they never grew back when thicker brows returned?

1970's Brows - The Thick And Thin Of Brows!
1970’s Brows – The Thick And Thin Of Brows!

The Thick And Thin Of Eyebrows

Regardless of the style of the brow, one thing remains the same, we all need help in shaping and showing them. 

Few people have the perfectly shaped brow, men or women. 

Towards the center, they may look thick, but as they trail to the ends, they often disappear. 

When the brow is accented all the way to the ends, the eyes look bigger and more expressive. 

Tint Pencil Powder Or What?

Back in the day, eyebrow pencil was in nearly every woman’s makeup bag. 

The brands we all used, probably cost about 5-dollars back then.

Fast forward to the age of ‘high fashion’ cosmetic companies, with both brow pencils and powders, and the prices quadrupled.

The problem with either?

They rub off, sweat off, ‘wipe the brow’ off. 

Professional Brows

Since the 80’s, when clients visited my hair salon to have their hair tinted, I usually brushed a little tint on the brows as well. 

Many had never had a hairdresser in their past, tint their brows. 

I’m a blonde, have always tinted my hair, even though I’m a blonde, and I quickly realized, simply by looking in the mirror, that the brows should be tinted too. 

Hair is on the skin of the scalp, brows are hair on the skin of the face. 

Not much difference. 

Or is there?

Thinning Brows – Age, Hormones, Health?

Over the years, of tinting my brows every two weeks, I began to notice I was losing some of the brows. 

I’m sure some of it is aging, but I was concerned that the 10-volume peroxide I use to mix the color for my brows, was making them break off. 

The ends of my brows were also thinning. 

Ugh, who wants to age like this!

What Is Natural Henna?

While Henna is an ancient plant product, once used to dye hair, skin and fabric, it was also known to be a natural remedy to nourish, strengthen and make hair luxurious. 

I’m sure Cleopatra used it on her gorgeous locks!

Back in the 70’s when I worked in one of the chicest salons in Georgetown Washington DC, many women were having henna put on their hair. 

The results were luxurious. 

Only problem, back then, henna was only in red, black and brown. 

There was a neutral henna, with no color, and many women would come in just for that treatment too. 


Plant conditioning, loaded with minerals, is what natural henna is.

The great news, is that we all can color our brows at home, and since I am a professional hairdresser, I am excited to show you how!

Natural Looking Brows With Natural Plant Henna In Under 15-Minutes!
Natural Looking Brows With Natural Plant Henna In Under 15-Minutes!

Henna For Brows

I’ve only recently come across a 1st class Henna product made especially for brows. 

I am leaving the links for you below, so you can easily find it, become familiar with it and choose the right color for you.

It comes in a variety of shades, ranging from black to a grey tone, with a variety of tones in between. 

It was my daughter who introduced me to it, “Mom, you should be using a natural brow color so your brows will grow instead of falling out.”

I’ve never gone back to using harsh, chemical tint on my brows since. 

I will walk you through the steps, from mixing to timing.

The 5-minute video I’ve made for you is also a step-by-step of me doing one of my brows to show you the difference. 

Step-By-Step Henna Brow Coloring At Home

How To Use Henna For Brows – Step By Step

Step 1 – Choose a color that best matches the color you want to project now, not necessarily the color you were born with. Multiple color options: ‘Choosing A Color.

Step 2 – Once your package arrives, which has all you need inside, open the envelope of henna and carefully pour its contents into the reserve tube with a top. 

Step 3 – Inside the package you will find a tiny spoon, a mixing cup, also a dropper/pipette for adding the drops of water or rose water.

While water is perfectly fine to use to mix with, I did buy the rose water that the company makes to mix with.

As little as I use, the rosewater will probably last for 2 years. I did also buy their strain remover and brow cleanser. Again, so little is used that I can’t imagine using these extra products up in under 2 years. 

Package Content - Should You Go With This Brand
Package Content – Should You Go With This Brand

Step 4 – Place a headband to push your hair away from your face. Scoop just 1/2 spoon (provided), of henna powder into the mixing cup. Fill the pipette 3/4 full with water or rose water and add just enough drops to make the mixture into a paste. More or less powder or water, as needed. 

Step 5 – With a very thin, firm brush or CottonTip, apply the henna to the brows from one end to the other, just as you would your brow pencil or powder, taking care to keep the lines smooth.

If you go above or below the area where you want, simply use a damp Cotton Tip (water or the stain remover), to clean the line. 

Step 6 – For the first try, I would suggest leaving it on about 10-15 minutes to see what your results are. Each individual will find a processing time that is best for the intensity they are after. Wash off with water, and a little face cleanser. 

Henna Looks Like Mud But Easily Washes Off For Beautiful Brows!
Henna Looks Like Mud But Easily Washes Off For Beautiful Brows!

Choosing A Color

The color options are varied enough to find the right color you want your brows to be.

If your hair is Black naturally, then choose a Black Henna since your skin pigment will more than likely be best suited for natural black.

But if you are tinting your hair a Cleopatra black for the dramatic deeper color on your brownish natural color, then choose a Dark Brown Henna.

Are you sporting a vibrant shade of burgundy hair? Then there is definitely a beautiful Burgundy Henna for you to choose from.

A soft brown hair color might best be matched with a Medium Brown Henna.

Let’s say you have blonde hair, like really blonde, but your natural root color is a brown, then choose the brown henna color that looks closest to your natural color: dark brown, light brown or ash brown.

The safe choice for a variety of blonde hair color shades, is to choose the Blonde Henna shade, it is a dark blonde and looks natural with most shades of blonde hair.

However, if your natural blonde color is ash blonde, but you are now having highlights put in your hair, then go with the Ash Blonde Henna.

Loving your red hair? Absolutely choose the Golden Brown Henna, if your red hair is light.

But definitely go with the Copper Brown Henna, if your hair color is more of a deep fiery red.

Grey hair has a beautiful shade variation throughout it. Choosing a steal grey Graphite henna will accent the deep grey tones in your hair.

Snow white hair and loving it? Then by all means go with the Pearl Grey henna.

Things To Remember

Remember, henna colors by staining, not lifting or depositing as chemical color does.

The great thing about this is that the areas that are thinning, will look thicker when the skin becomes slightly stained.

However, should you make a booboo and need to remove any unwanted stains, the stain remover works great!

It gives the appearance of a line of hair where one used to be. 

So use your art skills to paint a beautiful line that will become your brows!

If you would like the added nutrients of mixing your henna with Rose Water and you have not started making your own Rose Water (as I have), then you might want to try the brand that this company makes.

Notes On Natural Henna At Home From A Professional

Like any natural plant that stains, Beets, Turmeric, Coffee, Teas, Butterfly Tea Flower, and many other flowers, they stain.

They used to be the only way to dye fabric.

So, remember to take care while working with your henna.

The smallest crumb of dried henna, that falls onto your sink or countertop, will stain, so take care to work over a paper towel area and a close up mirror.

When finished, clean the mixing cup and brush, taking care to wash the sink well too so that nothing stains, put it all back into the box for next time. 

In Closing

Should you have any questions about choosing a color, or application, please feel free to email me at moc.eniDdnaksihWobfsctd-240db7@niboR

Full And Detailed Instructions At
Full And Detailed Instructions At
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