While I may feel as though I’ve never worked a day in my life; the reality is that life has unfolded as an adventure which compensated me in a variety of ways.
I stepped into the driver’s seat of life, during my solo years as a single mother of four fascinating children. I learned to become a Jack-of-all-trades and a master at whatever I set my mind to. You name it, I’ve dabbled in it.
But food? Food became the International language I learned to speak well. With a Syrian mother and Scandinavian father, I’ve never been a stranger to multi-ethnic cultures and cuisines.
Food, and the ambiance that lures people to the table for a celebration in life, became my escape from the grown-up world. I came to understand that while life forces us into the responsibilities of an adult, the kitchen was where I knew I could always reclaim the playful heart of my youth.
“I am an artist. I am a storyteller. I am a gypsy at heart. I am the CEO at the helm of a fascinating life. “
Visual storytelling is something I have always done, and have had the opportunity to share through cookbooks I’ve published, on 3 Food Network shows and recently my first 8-Episode series with PBS.
Storytelling, for me, began at the age of sixteen, behind the chair of a hair salon; the place I went on to spend the better part of my life. This form of art enabled me to not only create beauty on the outside but be invited to observe the inner beauties, which makes us each unique. This first row seat to the theatre of life, set the stage for the vast stories I infuse into the recipes I create, relying as much on a visual snapshot, as the story itself.
I am not for everyone, but if you are one of those rare people that are inspired by my artistry and the stages I will whimsically set for you, then you must be a pretty fascinating person as well. If so… let me take you to all the places I love to go, because the best stories in life are always told at an inspiring table setting and over fabulous food!