Make Your Own Floral Centerpiece

Make Your Own Floral Centerpiece for the holidays and gatherings with an affordable and personal expression that brings a smile to any table. 

whimsical table centerpiece
Whimsical Table Centerpiece

DIY Centerpiece

A centerpiece on a holiday table, is my favorite way to set the mood for the food that will be served. 

The DIY (do it yourself), approach to decorating makes way for endless possibilities to capture the season or the reason we gather. 

Don’t you simply love to walk into the room, where food where will be served, and see something pretty, festive or whimsical in the center of the table!

Holiday Floral Centerpiece

It doesn’t have to be a ‘countryside’ vibe, especially if a modern or city vibe is your preference. 

However, ‘Hollywood’ has always captured our hearts, for the holidays, by taking us on an excursion where time slows down; the countryside.

Who doesn’t love Bing Crosby’s ‘White Christmas’ excursion to the countryside in the snow! 

So, let’s capture the mood of the countryside, right here on our seasonal table, so that we are reminded of where much of our food comes from. 

How To Make A Countryside Centerpiece

Countryside And Food

What better way to be reminded of the hard labor that goes into producing the foods we love, than a symbol on our table. 

This year, for holiday gatherings in my home, I went in search of a truck to put on my dining table. 

Why a truck? Since the most important symbol that represents bringing our food to market, a truck, I decided a truck would be the base to my centerpiece.

This was the Decor Truck I purchased which also comes in blue but there are others and so fun year round!

But, use your imagination and find an object that speaks to you to create the centerpiece around. 

Why Make Your Own Centerpiece?

When we approach a ‘Do It Yourself’ artistic project, it not only gives us the chance to create something to create a mood, but can become a family project too. 

Gathering the materials alone, can become part of the fun in making a centerpiece for family and friends. 

Perhaps, in gathering, it will involve a walk through a park or wooded area, or a visit to a local farm. 

It gives us a chance to step away from our busy lives and let that creative ‘kid’ inside of us emerge and have a little fun. 

DIY is just good ole fashion ‘therapy’!

Family Fun
Family Fun

What You Will Need To Make A Countryside Centerpiece

Before gathering the objects that will depict the theme we are after, we will want to consider lighting. 

Because lighting brings an automatic ‘bling’ to a centerpiece, choosing a delicate string of lights will be the first consideration. 

Usually these delicate wires, clustered with tiny LED lights, seem to have clunky battery boxes.

Therefore, try to look for a string of lights in which the battery box is not too big and can be hidden. 

Of course, and most recently, lights and candles are easy to find with a remote to turn them on.

This makes turning on and off the lights in your arrangement so much easier than fumbling around for the switch. 

battery lights
Battery Lights

Start With A Centerpiece Theme

Obviously the base for the centerpiece needs to be multipurpose:

  • It needs to have a container to be able to put things in it, such as flowers, ornaments, candles, toys or objects that reflect the occasion.
  • The base needs to be constructed in such a way that the battery box can easily be hidden. 
  • Consideration to the color scheme you are looking to create, will be a factor. 

Regardless of the theme and design of the centerpiece, we want to consider it not obstructing the view of our guests at the table.

Likewise, we don’t want it to inhibit setting the table with the glasses, dishes and tableware.

Seasonal Decorations
Seasonal Decorations

My DIY Countryside Centerpiece

Shopping online, at a craft store or garden shop will offer the largest options to catch your attention for a theme you adore. 

For me, this metal, yellow pickup truck captured my attention right away. While there was also a red one, I have lots of yellow accents in my home, and so the yellow truck was it!

A few pine cones, lights and a splash of color, using flowers were what I gathered to decorate my centerpiece. 

floral water tube
Floral Water Tubes

Flowers In A Centerpiece

Last, and of equal importance, is the consideration of adding flowers or other greenery. In order to keep them alive, they are going to need water. 

Not to worry though, most floral shops (or even on line), sell floral water plugs. These brilliantly designed water plugs hold water in, have a tight cap with a hole and the water does not leak out. 

The water plugs, once filled with water and flower stems, can easily be placed down inside the container of your centerpiece base. 

Flowers In Water Tubes
Flowers In Water Tubes

Make Your Own Outdoor Centerpieces

Throughout the summer months, it’s easy to bring color to our window boxes or hanging baskets, just plant flowers.

But during the winter months, it’s too cold to provide a growing environment for the baskets we leave empty all winter.

So why not create a little color in those empty baskets, or window boxes simply by filling them with cuttings from evergreen trees or the trimmings from your Christmas tree.

Winter Greens For Empty Hanging Baskets

Have Fun Making Your Own Countryside Centerpiece

But, don’t forget to save a box or wrapping to pack up the base and lights to put away for next year. 

Otherwise, consider changing what you use to decorate it, and use it all year!

Make Your Own Floral Centerpiece
Make Your Own Floral Centerpiece
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