Having had a delightful interview with Canvas Rebel, that triggered lots of thoughts about my creative passions, I thought it might spark a flame within you and your journey in life.

From Idea To Execution
Hi Robin, thanks for joining us today. Alright – so having the idea is one thing, but going from idea to execution is where countless people drop the ball. Can you talk to us about your journey from idea to execution?
An Odd Journey, It Was! Having grown up in a Mediterranean influenced home, where we cooked all foods from scratch and grew most of the herbs we flavored our food with throughout the year, cooking just came naturally for me. However, a food service career was not a consideration for me in those early years, it was a lifestyle.
As a young girl in my teens, my mother had opened her first Beauty Salon, and it was there that I felt my career was about to bloom; and bloom it did.

Many years of making people look and feel good about themselves, in a salon of my own, while raising my four children as a single mom, made me aware that I had developed an interesting knack for connecting with people. Interesting? The connection was developed through their reflection in my mirror, a parallel I would later build on through the lens of a camera.
Fast forward to kids grown, me-time returned, and I was itching to recreate myself through a new career. It was then that my food blog was born; a place I was able to connect with people with my food and lifestyle stories, through the lens of a camera.

It wasn’t two months into this new adventure that I tossed my hat into the ring with a casting agent for Food Network. The show was ‘Clash of the Grandmas.’ In less than two hours after submitting, I got a call to process me for their new show, which still airs every year around the holidays or Mother’s day. THAT, was when the second career bug bit me!

Looking into the lens of a camera to connect with people and tell stories through my food, felt no different than looking into the reflection of people through my mirror, many years ago.
Since then, I have had the great pleasure to be featured in several Food Network shows and an eight episode series with PBS, while regularly creating hundreds of videos on my YouTube channel, and inspiring content on my blog.

How You Got To Where You Are
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
Hello, I am Robin Daumit from Annapolis Maryland. My journey to where I am today has been a long and exciting one. As a visual storyteller, writer, photographer/videographer, gardener and recipe creator, I get to play every single day, doing what I love.
It’s frequently been said to me “You should have your own television show, a cross between Julia Child and our beloved Martha”!
Comments such as this, and having been featured eleven times already on other food television shows, have spoken to me as though a ‘whispering in the wind,’ inspiring this next chapter in my quirky creative life.
How does one get their own television show, you might ask? Create one yourself!
There will be no producers, networks or casting agents knocking at my door; this arena is already flooded with many other talented folks doing what I am doing.
Instead, I buckled myself into the driver’s seat, wrote the script for my own reality television show, filmed my own sample trailer, and now have my foot to the pedal to make it happen!
Building A Strong Reputation
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
There is one sure thing I’ve learned that contributes to one’s reputation; Honesty. Being truly, visibly, and always honestly Yourself!
I am reminded of a news article written about me by Next Avenue, a digital platform of journalism owned by PBS (Public Broadcasting Serves), in which I was paired with Julia Child in that article.

Julia Child stepped into the iconic career we know her for, at the age of fifty. In the 1960’s, that was… well, old. Her iconic personality and talent to entertain, while executing some of the most refined cooking America had ever seen, brought a new meaning to ‘ageless talent.’
It’s never too late in life to make a dream become a reality. The reputation you have built, throughout your life, is the foundation you will have to build this dream on.
The Drive Of Creative Energy
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
The goal, at this ageless time in my life, is to both host and co-produce a show I have created called, ‘Mood for Food.’ It is a new direction in the food entertainment arena. Good Visual Storytelling, that is above and beyond a cooking show, and an arena television networks have yet to tap into, one that has already become Social Media’s most visited entertainment!

Where You’ll Find Me:
- Website: https://whiskanddine.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whiskndine/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rdaumit
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robin-daumit-85184a155/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@WhiskandDine/